Roteiro dos Descobrimentos

by FCUL Labs



The Portuguese Discoveries began with the Infant D. Henrique, with the conquest of the African coast, having elapsed during the reigns of D. João II, with the discovery of the maritime route to India, and of D. Manuel I, during which the overseas empire was already consolidated. This historical process made a decisive contribution to the knowledge of the world and the relationship between its many civilizations. With the Discoveries in the 15th century, Portugal begins the process of globalization from its capital, Lisbon.With this itinerary, we propose the exploration of some monuments, institutions and places of the city of Lisbon associated with this period.The project “Roteiro dos Descobrimentos" was coordinated by the Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa, responsible for creating the educational contents, and had as a partner institution, the Department of Informatics, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, responsible for creating the software applicationThe project was funded by the EEA Grants under the PT02 Programme, Integrated Management of Marine and Coastal Waters, promoted by the Direção Geral de Política do Mar.